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HomeGarden Show Photography Contest

Photography Contest

This is the eighth year of our popular Photography Contest, open to all, with no age based categories.  Again this year is the ability to submit up to EIGHT (8) photographs, each representing one of 5 Categories of subjects.  Judging will be by local professional photographers. Check out example photos on this page or on Instagram.

RULES - 2025

1.  Limit of eight (8) photographs per entrant.

2.  All photographs must be taken in Monterey County.

3.  No photographs with people/humans will be accepted.

4.  Only photos with standard optimization (i.e., removal of dust, cropping, "reasonable" optimization of exposure, color, contrast, etc.) will be accepted in the 5 major categories.  Photos optimized beyond this will be placed in a non-judged category of "Digitally Altered" photos.

5.  All photographic subjects must be in one of these 5 categories (black and white or color):
a.  Flowers
b.  Plants
c.  Edibles
d.  Local Landscapes
e.  Wildlife
6.  All photographs must be printed in 8"x10" size either landscape or portrait.

7.  An Entry Fee of $5/photo will be charged at time of submission.

8.  By submitting a photo to the Garden Show Photography Contest you grant the Carmel Valley Garden Club a royalty free, non-exclusive license to use the photo for publicity purposes in perpetuity including use on the Internet and in Social Media.

9.  Previously published material for which non-exclusive rights were granted may be submitted as long as you still maintain the right to grant us a license (for unlimited publicity purposes).

What We Supply at Entry

We will supply an 11"x14" beveled mat with a 7.5"x 9.5" opening, and a backing sheet.   These will be yours to keep after the show. 

You will mount your photos at time of entry.  You will also fill out two information cards that will include a title, one to be placed on the backing sheet and the other handed to staff.  NOTE: Club members will be present to guide and assist you through the registration and mounting process.

You will be required to sign a release and limitation of liability for your photos at time of entry.

Judging and Awards

Photos will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, artistic merit and subject matter relevance to the category. Judging will be conducted by one or more professional photographers. At their discretion, they may choose to change the category of an entry. Their decisions will be finial.

Ribbons:  A first, second, third, and honorable mention will be awarded in each class.  In addition, there will be a "Best-in-Show" award - judged by the judging panel, and there will be a "Popular Choice" award - voted on by the a
ttendees for their favorite entry of the entire show.  The Popular Choice ribbon will be presented on Sunday at 3:30 pm.

Submissions and Pick-up

All photos must be submitted in person.

PHOTO REGISTRATION - IMPORTANT: This year (2025), registration and photo drop-off will be at the Carmel Valley Community Youth Center at 25 Ford Road, not Hidden Valley on Thursday, May 1,  between 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM.  No late entries will be accepted. For a map to the location click HERE.

Photo Pick-up will be Sunday, May 4 between 3:30 PM and 5:00 PM at the Hidden Valley Dance Studio.  No early photo removal will be permitted.  Proof of ownership will be required while exiting the show.

Sale of Photos

If you are interested in selling any of your photos, at the time of submission, set a price and agree to an 80/20 split in the price with the Garden Club:  80% to the artist, 20% to the Carmel Valley Garden Club.  No duplicates of photos will be available for purchase this year.

For More Information

If you have a question or concern, contact Linda Davey 917-912-9438 ( or Bob Byrne 831-582-7316 (


Garden Show Main Page



   Event Schedule


Theme for 2025:
Silhouette of the Valley

January Club Meeting
Thursday, January 9
David Gubernick
Rainbow Spirit Photography

Thank You
  Garden Show 2024

Grandiforal Level

Griggs Nursery

Floribunda Level

Pat & Bart Burrows

Alex & Pat Gray

Dean Hatfield & Karolyn Stone

Peninsula Septic Tank Service

Magniflora Level

Ceramic Pro

Hatten Plumbing

Kathy's Little Kitchen

Martin Electric & Solar

M. J. Murphy
Lumber & Hardware

Polaris Consulting

Regency Construction Company


         Carmel Valley Garden Club                                                             P.O. Box 72 Carmel Valley, CA  93924